TED talks are a great source of inspiration, a platform to hear ideas from across the globe. Though there’s so many it’s difficult to know where to start. Here’s my list of favourites. Why There’s Too Few Women in Leadership — Sheryl Sandberg. I’ve watched this at least 10 times, this talk helped me negotiate my first salary — it …
How To Be Confident
How To Be Confident. Know what you stand for Know what your values are Know what you care about Know yourself Own your decisions Own your actions Own your mistakes Own your character Admit where you went wrong Admit where you performed poorly Admit when you don’t know where to start. There’s a fine balance between working out how much …
What do you want to do?
I get asked frequently what do you want to do? This question makes me a little uncomfortable. The easy yet somewhat self deprecating answer is I don’t know. It’s a cop out really. But if I really think about it and get uncomfortable, I know exactly what I want to do. I know in the long run I want to …
Courage To Be Vulnerable
It pains me to see this. But so often I see talent restrained by a lack of confidence or courage. Courage to be vulnerable. Courage to put your creative work out there. Courage to accept that not everyone is going to like it. But that’s okay because you’re never there to please everyone. If you make one person smile or …
The One Constant Thing
Plants grow. People mature. Places look different. We change. It’s guaranteed that the one thing constant in life is change. So why do we avoid it? Most companies see change and ignore it. They create a strong foundation for disruption. Content with the status quo they watch as startups take over their market share with a product they had the …
There’s a solution for all of your problems
When you’re sick you go to a doctor. When you can’t get fit you get a PT When don’t know how to eat, you ask a dietician. When you’re depressed you can take to antidepressants and ask a psychologist. There’s a solution for all of your problems. There’s a difference between seeking a solution and wanting help. In the first …
Who cares what you said.
Sure, you can say whatever you please. But people will always remember how you made them feel. Sometimes we get so caught up in being right. That we forget what matters. As intelligent, well thought out and considered as your statement may be. What will be remembered is how you made the other person feel. In the end, Remember the …